
A word to Mom and Dad

We’ve been blogging for a while to young adult cancer survivors, so I thought now would be a good time to have a few minutes with Mom and Dad.

So, please share this blog with them.

Mom and Dad, you, too, are survivors. Because of your love and encouragement, your child has survived cancer. Now is the time to do one more thing for them. Encourage them to go to college or even finish college. Your child’s future is depending on this.

Did you know that CCC (Carolyn’s Compassionate Children) has financial resources to award scholarships to childhood cancer survivors for undergraduate and graduate educations? We have awarded over 60 college scholarships over the past five years and will award more in the future. 

Click here to watch for the launch of our new website in August 2008. It will be loaded with resources to help you and your family. 

We know you want to help your child in every way. So give him or her one more opportunity. Because we know you are the most wonderful parents in the world!

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