
College Scholarship Workshop Part One: Decision Making (You are in Power)

College Scholarship Process-- From A to Z for Young Adult Cancer Survivors

Part One: Decision Making (You are in Power)

“Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuse to change any and every part of your life in an instant.” -- Anthony Robbins

A Loaded Question: Is college for me?

You have likely made an immediate decision one way: Yes or No; however, have you actually thought about the reasoning behind that decision? Thinking about this question will lay the foundation for the outcome of your decision-- you can think of this part of the process as your warm-up. 

Evaluating this question will allow you to:

  1. Take Control -- Decision Making is a very powerful activity 
  2. Know why finding money for college is worth all the work. 

Keep options open. Don’t say “yes” or “no” immediately. 

Walk through “thinking about college” with the help of this great presentation: 

Archived - Think College? Me? Now? Handbook

Explore careers (find out which careers are in demand today) and learn what the best route to take is for achieving your career goal: www.careervoyages.gov 

Time for a Quiz! Take this 20 question quiz to evaluate if college is for you: 

College Prep:Should You Go to College?

These sites and activities should get you to start thinking about the question: Is College for Me? To personalize your decision, you need to now go one step further and pull together what is going on in your mind.

Why would you want to go to college?

Why would you not want to go to college?

What are pros of going to college?

What are the cons of going to college?

Activity: To answer the questions above, you should try creating a pro + con list. It doesn’t need to be perfect; however, it will get your thoughts down on paper. Don’t be judgmental --- jot down everything so you can evaluate the big picture! 


Coming up in the workshop:

Part One -- Day 2: What is my Role? -- For Parents

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